• +919326442210
  • Sector-5, Phase-1, Taloja, Navi Mumbai

Doctors recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of Water/day

checkStart drinking at least 3 ~4 glasses of alkaline water/day for few days

checkGradually increase intake of alkaline water 8 ~12 glasses /Day( 3

When once you start drinking HealthhyQua, normal side effects may include headaches, fatigue, muscle aches, a runny nose, and other flu-like symptoms. Also, your stool will likely be darker, softer, or more odorous and you may experience gas.

checkThe above side-effects are a good sign, as they are directly related to the detoxification of your body. Since, the micro-clustered water penetrates deep into your tissues and expels acid waste and toxins that have accumulated in your body over time.

checkSide-effects if any, will subside once your body has become accustomed to the water, anywhere from 2-3 days to 2-3 weeks, depending on everyone and the level of detoxification that the body needs to undergo.

Each person is different, and as such, the body’s response to drinking HealthhyQua varies from person to person.

checkYou might start noticing a positive response in as little as one day or within a few weeks.

No. Do not drink ionized water 30 minutes before and after meals.

checkOur stomach needs to be acidic to digest the food that we eat, and drinking alkaline water with meals will simply slow down the digestion process.

No. Do not drink ionized water 30 minutes before or after taking medicines.

checkThe smaller cluster size of the ionized water makes the water penetrate the cells in our body much more quickly, and it is best not to interfere with the prescribed absorption rate of the medication. You can, however, drink the pure filtered water.

Have your first 2 glasses of the day right when you get out of bed (early morning) with empty stomach.

checkThen you should continue to drink Healthhy Qua throughout the day.

Absolutely. As with humans, pets will also benefit from the improved hydration, antioxidants, and higher pH values of alkaline water. You may find that older animals will be more energized when they start drinking alkaline water.


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